More sausage than sizzle. Why we all need to be talking about company culture.
More sausage than sizzle. Why we all need to be talking about company culture.

Good culture has never been optional, but right here, right now, it’s essential. The hiring market is on fire, there’s talk of the great resignation, so we find ourselves asking, how can we be a cut above the rest? As we move into a post-pandemic world, creating a company culture that is thriving is increasingly important. To respond to this, we wanted to showcase key insights from some of the best leaders around the globe so, we created ‘It’s the Vibe’. A no bullshit podcast around company culture.
When creating this podcast, we wanted to ensure that there were tangible takeaways and real-life examples on each of our topics, so you, the listener, could walk away with the secret sauce to start moving the needle on your company culture. Above all, we also wanted to highlight why this is important for you, the employer, and how having a great culture can help you retain talent, entice top candidates to join, and have a highly engaged business. If I was to go through all the benefits, we might be here all day.
It’s about having more sausage than sizzle, actually walking the talk and making sure that you’re embracing change and putting in place the building blocks that will set you up for future success. Once you begin taking purposeful action on the culture you want to create for your people, then you can start bragging about it. A recent survey from Deloitte showcased that 82% of people surveyed feel that culture is a competitive advantage. If you are wanting to attract the best and beat the competition, you should be prioritising your company culture. So, if we have the information, how do we make sure we are taking this and putting it into action? We hope this podcast will be able to help answer this for you.
Here at Talent, we strive to build a better world of work for all. We want to help educate and address issues that we are finding when speaking with candidates on what is making them love their job but also, or alternatively, what is making them want to leave their jobs. We then want to help share those insights with employers globally.
Throughout this podcast we will be touching on six key areas that we have identified as being crucial in building a brilliant company culture. These are:
- Communication
- Innovation
- Employee experience and retention
- Perks
- Employer Brand
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion
We speak with experts from a broad range of companies and hear their take on how they are listening to their teams, researching what the market is doing, and putting their words into action.
As Christie O’Toole from Salesforce put it when speaking about communication; “How can we make sure our leaders are holding up that north star and bringing everyone on the journey?”, or when Jennifer Mumford from Zip Co said, “Care is the new currency”. We want to bring you on our journey as we learn from the very best.
My advice is to give your people a bloody good listening too. Sure, it takes a bit of time and patience but knowing what people need to succeed and knowing what they want for the future will have a positive impact on every part of your business, all sizzling down to your bottom-line and the happiness of your people.
What are you doing to help build a world-class company culture?