Tech talent in financial services: Best practices for hiring smarter
Tech talent in financial services: Best practices for hiring smarter

It’s time to work smarter, not harder, when it comes to hiring top tech talent in financial services. If you’re looking to cash in on top candidates in this industry, there are a few things you need to know first. We dive into the best practices you can follow to bring top professionals on board.
First things first, a little background…
While financial services was traditionally known as a well-paying industry, strong competition from other industries, such as tech and government, are driving salaries up, seeing the financial services sector struggling to compete on salary alone.
Talent Sydney Financial Services Practice Manager, Chris Huggett, weighs in:
“The financial services industry has changed significantly in the last two decades. Mergers and de-mergers, banks exiting from the wealth industry, legislative changes and the royal commission have all generated significant programs of work. As these programs finish and with less legislative and M&A activity on the horizon, competition for key SME financial services talent has diminished. With financial service organisations seeking to protect their profit margins and shareholder dividends, rate cards and salaries have remained at similar levels, typically at or slightly below market rates. On top of this, the digital age has created further competition for top talent, with local tech companies offering more attractive salary packages and employee benefits, combined with industries such as state and federal government substantially increasing their remuneration in order to attract top talent.”
So, how can you get ahead?
Here are our top hiring tips:
1. Know what tech experts want
To secure top candidates, financial services companies can’t solely compete on salary and need to be offering more. When it comes to what top candidates want, they are looking for interesting projects and the ability to develop their skills. They want to meet their personal and professional goals through mentorship, guidance, experience and ongoing learning opportunities. In fact, 85% of surveyed tech contractors said opportunities for exciting and meaningful work were most important to them when looking for a job.
Today’s tech workers also place great value on who you are as an employer. They prefer flexibility, particularly work-from-home options, and won’t compromise on unflinching company values and culture. Your EVP should be a reflection of this – for example, sustainability and diversity always being part of your decision-making processes.
Uncover more about what top professionals in tech, transformation and beyond are seeking, in our More Than Money Salary Guide 2024.
2. Prioritise your wishlist
When looking for the right person, it’s important to be realistic in your expectations – especially in today’s tech hiring environment – to ensure you don’t chase off potential applicants by asking for too much. For example, Talent NY recruitment expert, Jason Pho, recommends looking for “demonstrated continual learning and professional development in the tech space.” Here are a few other things that might make it onto your wish list:
- Has the candidate worked in similar roles?
- What were their responsibilities?
- Have they got experience working in a highly regulated business?
- Does the candidate have proven skills in basic areas – such as communication and organisation – as well as more complex topics such as programming or cybersecurity?
Professional development:
- Has the candidate demonstrated continual learning, whether through ongoing education or on-the-job training?
- Does the candidate have relevant industry certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)?
3. Consider different types of talent
Depending on your business needs, you may be in search of long-term team members in the form of permanent professionals, or maybe you have a short-term project and need people on board for a shorter period of time. Remember to shape your recruitment practices and agreements around these unique circumstances where relevant; for example, you may need to tighten up your EVP to explain how contract workers will profit in a short-term relationship with your business, whereas permanent employees will want to see the bigger picture.
4. Use a dedicated recruiter
From the rise of blockchain and robotic process automation, through to the ever-growing focus on data in financial services, you need skilled candidates to take the helm of your digital transformation projects – and you need them quick stat. A dedicated recruiter can help you find the people you need at speed.
At Talent, we know a thing or two about sourcing candidates who understand the ins and outs of working in a regulatory environment (and who can keep up in a rapidly changing landscape).
Whether it’s a business analyst, change manager, or software professional you’re after, we can help. Placing top tech professionals in leading financial institutions such as NAB, BNZ and IAG, you can bank on us to deliver the right candidates for your needs every time.
Ready to cash in on a network of top talent? Reach out to Talent today.