How to prepare for the job opportunities of the future
How to prepare for the job opportunities of the future

Automation is playing a big part, too, but this has been met with apprehension. A total 90% of respondents to a recent Quartz survey believe that over the next five years, up to half of jobs will be lost due to automation.
While it would quite extreme to predict an I, Robot scenario where humans are subservient to their automated counterparts, it’s almost a given that many jobs currently undertaken by humans will be made redundant in the not too distant future. And other jobs – namely, those that are mundane and time-consuming – will be passed on to robots, freeing up our time for other tasks.
As these technologies impact demand for future jobs and inform the skills required for the roles of tomorrow, employees across the globe have begun taking proactive steps to refine their skills and future-proof their careers. If you’re keen on joining them, here are four tips you might find useful:
1. Identify ‘threats’ – and prepare for them
Consider the most pressing threats to both your role and industry as a whole; for instance, these could be new systems, software or working practices, or trends that could result in skills or knowledge gaps. Once these threats have been identified, think of how you can prepare for them – this might involve training in new software or systems, or keeping ahead of the curve on current trends by reading journals and reports, listening to podcasts and online seminars, and attending events.
2. Dedicate time to upskilling
It may very well be that some of your core skills will become redundant in a few years from now. One way to get around this is to develop skills in an emerging field relevant to your role. Whether you fit self-teaching around your current job or undertake a formal course, becoming an expert in a trend or skill of tomorrow is a great way to ensure your job doesn’t fall obsolete.
3. Be willing to adapt
A reluctance to adapt will be one of the greatest hindrances to future-proofing your career. The more open and willing you are to gain new skills and adopt new ways of working, the better. So, say ‘yes’ to things that push you out of your comfort zone, be open to any new opportunity that comes your way, and make sure your own, professional development remains front of your mind at all times.
4. Fine-tune your soft skills
Unlike some work-based skills, soft skills will never become redundant, because ‘bots are unable to emulate them. Focusing on and fine-tuning skills linked to areas such as empathy, teamwork, communication, leadership and relationship building will give you a leg-up in your job, and help you to stand out from the rest when searching for your next opportunity.
Speaking of your next opportunity, if you’re looking for your next job in tech, why not turn to the expert team at Talent International? Give us a call today to find out more.