Women in Tech Report 2021

Women in Tech Report 2021

Posted August 20, 2021

​​There’s still a long way to go for women in tech, so it’s time we make a change.

Our ‘Women in Tech: Are we there yet?’ report aims to do just this.

Collating responses from our 400 participants, we’ve gotten real about what it means to be a woman in this industry. But it’s not just about providing a platform for these women to share their experiences, it’s about creating real and tangible change.

Download our report to uncover practical strategies that you can implement to make a real difference.

Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • 44% feel that they have been overlooked for promotions due to their gender.

  • 56% don’t see a clear path for their career at their current employer.

  • 45% feel that they are not paid exactly the same as male colleagues at their level.

  • 57% believe that family responsibilities either have a negative or strongly negative impact on women’s careers in tech.

  • 35% cite ‘not having a seat at the table/being included in decision-making conversations’ as the biggest challenge encountered in the workplace.