Cash in on a network of top financial services talent
Your people are an asset. We partner with you to secure candidates who will deliver a return on your investment in this new age of banking and financial management.
Investing in people.
From the rise of blockchain and robotic process automation, through to the ever-growing focus on data in Financial Services, you need skilled candidates to take the helm of your digital transformation projects – and you need them quick stat.
That’s where we come in.
We know a thing or two about sourcing talent who understand the ins and outs of working in a regulatory environment (and who can keep up in a rapidly changing landscape). Whether it’s a business analyst, change manager, or software professional you’re after, you can bank on us to deliver.
Diversifying talent pools for financial services brands globally
Your challenges, our goals:
- 1547 Expert contractors We’re connected to 1500+ contractors who know the ins and outs of financial services.
- 58 Financial services clients Trusted by 50+ financial services institutions.
- 894 Placements Last year, we placed 894 people into financial services roles, building highly-skilled and engaged teams across the sector.
- 300+ Years' experience Our experts have more than 300 years of combined experience working with finance organisations.
Featured Jobs.

Volume recruitment without compromising on quality.
Thousands of businesses of all sizes use the Sonovate platform and APIs to fund their contingent workforce. CTO Simon Lewis explains how Talent was able to help manage its need for volume recruitment whilst ensuring that only quality candidates were put forward for consideration.